February 7, 2025


nodemcu esp8266 module

ESP8266 and ESP32: A Complete Guide (Detailed Information, Testing Codes, and Features)

ESP8266 and ESP32 are two of the most popular microcontroller modules widely used in IoT (Internet of Things) projects. This post provides an in-depth discussion of their features, testing codes, and suitable applications.

Comparison Between ESP8266 and ESP32

ProcessorSingle-Core 80/160 MHzDual-Core 240 MHz
Wi-Fi2.4 GHz only2.4 GHz only
BluetoothNot availableBluetooth 4.2 and BLE (Low Energy)
GPIO Pins11 usable30+ usable
ADC Resolution10-bit12-bit
Programming LanguagesArduino IDE, MicroPythonArduino IDE, MicroPython, ESP-IDF
Power ConsumptionHigher in active modeSupports deep sleep (low power)
Suitable ProjectsBasic IoT projects, simple automationAdvanced IoT, real-time applications

ESP8266: Detailed Information

1. Development Boards

  • NodeMCU: The most popular ESP8266-based development board. It comes with a built-in USB-to-Serial converter, making it easy to use.
  • WeMos D1 Mini: A small-sized ESP8266 board, perfect for compact and small-scale projects.

2. Wi-Fi Capabilities

  • The ESP8266 is a SoC (System on Chip) equipped with a built-in Wi-Fi stack.
  • It supports protocols like HTTP, MQTT, and WebSocket.

3. Limitations

  • Due to its single-core processor, multitasking capabilities are limited.
  • The number of GPIO pins is minimal, which may restrict connecting multiple sensors or devices.

4. Suitable Projects

  • Smart home automation (e.g., Light or Fan Control).
  • Basic IoT devices.
  • Web servers or data loggers.

esp 8266 pinoutput

nodemcu esp8266 module pinoutput

ESP32: Detailed Information

esp32 nodemcu module

1. Development Boards

  • ESP32 DevKitC: The standard ESP32 development board.
  • TTGO T-Display: Comes with a built-in OLED display for enhanced functionality.
  • ESP32-CAM: Perfect for projects requiring camera integration.

2. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Capabilities

  • The ESP32 can run Wi-Fi and Bluetooth simultaneously (coexistence).
  • BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) allows connecting low-power devices.

3. Programming Support

  • Compatible with Arduino IDE, ESP-IDF, PlatformIO, and MicroPython.
  • ESP-IDF provides more customization options for advanced users.

4. Special Features

  • Deep Sleep Mode: Ideal for power-saving projects.
  • Capacitive Touch: Enables touch interfaces without physical buttons.
  • Dual-Core Processor: One core handles the program, and the other handles Wi-Fi tasks.

5. Suitable Projects

  • Real-time data processing.
  • Smart home projects requiring both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
  • Image processing (ESP32-CAM).
  • Data monitoring and cloud-connected projects.


esp32 pinoutput

ESP8266 and ESP32 Testing Codes

1. LED Blink Example (ESP8266)

#define LED_PIN 2  // Built-in LED pin on NodeMCU

void setup() {
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);  // Set LED pin as output

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); // Turn LED ON
  delay(1000);                // Wait for 1 second
  digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);  // Turn LED OFF
  delay(1000);                // Wait for 1 second


  • pinMode: Configures the pin as an output to control the LED.
  • digitalWrite: Sends a HIGH signal to turn the LED on and a LOW signal to turn it off.
  • delay: Adds a pause between turning the LED on and off.

2. LED Blink Example (ESP32)

#define LED_PIN 2  // Built-in LED pin on ESP32

void setup() {
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);  // Set LED pin as output

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); // Turn LED ON
  delay(500);                 // Wait for 0.5 seconds
  digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);  // Turn LED OFF
  delay(500);                 // Wait for 0.5 seconds


  • Similar to the ESP8266 code but with a shorter delay, making the LED blink faster.

3. Wi-Fi Test Example

#include <WiFi.h> // For ESP32
// #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> // Uncomment for ESP8266

const char* ssid = "Your_SSID";       // Your Wi-Fi network name
const char* password = "Your_Password"; // Your Wi-Fi password

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200);    // Start Serial Monitor

  Serial.println("Connecting to Wi-Fi...");
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password); // Connect to Wi-Fi network

  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { // Check connection status

  Serial.println("\nWi-Fi Connected!");
  Serial.print("IP Address: ");
  Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());  // Print IP address

void loop() {
  // No action needed, just keep checking the connection


  • WiFi.begin: Starts the Wi-Fi connection with the provided SSID and password.
  • WiFi.status: Checks whether the connection is established.
  • WiFi.localIP: Prints the assigned IP address after a successful connection.

4. ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) Test

ESP32 Example:

#define ADC_PIN 34  // One of the ADC pins on ESP32

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200);  // Start Serial Monitor

void loop() {
  int analogValue = analogRead(ADC_PIN);  // Read from ADC pin
  Serial.print("Analog Value: ");
  Serial.println(analogValue);           // Print value
  delay(500);                            // Wait for 0.5 seconds

ESP8266 Example:

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200);  // Start Serial Monitor

void loop() {
  int analogValue = analogRead(A0);  // Read from ESP8266 ADC pin A0
  Serial.print("Analog Value: ");
  Serial.println(analogValue);       // Print value
  delay(500);                        // Wait for 0.5 seconds


  • analogRead: Reads the analog value from the specified ADC pin.
  • ESP32 provides a higher resolution (12-bit, range: 0-4095) than ESP8266 (10-bit, range: 0-1023).

Where to Buy?

ESP32 and ESP8266 are easily available and affordable on various e-commerce platforms:

  • ESP8266: $2-5 (NodeMCU or WeMos D1 Mini).
  • ESP32: $5-10 (ESP32 DevKitC or TTGO Board).

ESP8266 and ESP32 are ideal devices for IoT projects. Choose the one that fits your needs. If you need further assistance, feel free to comment below.

Tags: ESP8266, ESP32, IoT, Arduino, Wi-Fi, Microcontroller

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